Cut Ocho (Ocho Cortado)

You may have wondered why the basic step is a basic step.
In case you did: it's because the basic step allows for many variations and additions. The ocho cortado as a perfect example of that. The ocho cortado figure starts and ends just like the basic step. In between start and end there is a variation and an addition.

Tango Ocho Cortado step 1 t/m 4
Tango Ocho Cortado step 5 t/m 7
Tango Ocho Cortado step 8 t/m 12

Steps 1 to 4 are the same as the first four steps of the basic step.
Step 5 and 6 of the ocho cortado are the same as step 2 and 3 of the basic step, but in reverse order.
In step 7, the lady is led into a pivot on the ball of her feet: this is characteristic for the 'ocho'.
Step 8 is the reverse of step 7 by which the ocho aborted or truncated ('cortado').
Step 9 to 12 of the ocho cortado are the same as step 5 to 8 of the basic step.

You may want to spice up the Ocho Cortado with two subtle accelerations similar to a quick-quick-slow. Such Q-Q-S acceleration is applied to step 4-5-6 and 7-8-9. Viewing these clips the ocho cortado soon will be a 'piece of cake'.

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