Short basic step (Baldosa)

The six count basic step is the short version of the tango basic eight count step. The short version has no cross step. An authentic touch can be added by substituting the silent step 1 by a back step. Why is this authentic? The story goes that in Buenos Aires tango lessons were given in very small rooms. The back step enables maximum use of the dance floor available.

Tango short basic step leader
Tango short basic step follower
Tango short basic step with back step

The clip will provide a clear demonstration of both variations: first the one with a silent step, followed by the back step version.

One needs to be aware that a back step may incur injuries on a crowded dance floor. Therefore a silent step is to be preferred. The follower will sense a silent step almost as good as an actual step.

Although the baldosa consists of 'just' six steps, variations are abundant. The video clip of LATA will give you inspiration to the many combinations the Baldosa will allow you to compose.

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